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Regular readers of this blog likely notice that my posts range from deep thinking and reflection to those attempting wit through lifestyle commentary.

Previously, I introduced you to the Wisdom of the Lens, an interesting book about philosophy through black and white photography.

In a relaxed Labour Day atmosphere and in-between communal laundry room trips, this intermittent writer lets whimsy take over and introduces you to one of my past loves – or once-loved pastimes: drawing.

While reorganizing le petit apartment this long weekend, I got distracted with that large white box containing my children’s sentimental craft work and my own creations from many years ago.

I chuckled at the cartoon-like pen and ink drawings.

Cartoon drawing of magician's rabbit

Revenge of the Bunny Pen and Ink Circa 1983

At one time in my creative, idealistic youth, I thought about writing and illustrating children’s books. I even had an idea for a farmyard environment.

What happened? 

drawing of cartoon milk cow

Bessy the uncooperative milk cow Pen and Ink circa 1982

Reality set in, I doubted my abilities after being rejected from a commercial arts college program, and soon put away my brushes and pens.

As a karmic compensation, I landed an office job that offered work and constant learning in the ever-evolving world of Information Technology. This option probably pays better than that for a starving artist. It sure helped with supporting my family, surviving as a single parent and raising three beautiful young people.

At least I got to satisfy my creative desires during craft time with my children. Those were the wonder years.

As I scan the distant horizon and plan for my retirement, I am letting myself dabble in water colours and embrace creative outlets for visual art.  In the meantime I can use my talent and resources to support young artists in their endeavours.

Regardless of the work you choose, or work that chose you, here’s wishing you a relaxing, reflective Labour Day.  Enjoy these work-related songs, thanks to CBCMusic.

Thanks for dropping by.


About me:  I work full time in an office environment. In my spare time I write, photograph my cats and dabble in water colour paints. In 2011 and under a pen name, I published a bittersweet novel through Smashwords titled The Year of the Rabbit; it’s a novel about Fate, Family and Forgiveness.  It contains many themes like family, teenage pregnancy and belief systems.