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Nine months into this COVID-19 pandemic and we’re hanging on relatively well here in Eastern Ontario.

Most of the people I know have been abiding by the advice of public health officials with wearing masks, distancing and keeping within small social bubbles.

I am fortunate to still have the work from home option. The cat (aka The Home Office Supervisor) tolerates my constant presence, is enjoying frequent tummy rubs on the couch and “comb comb” sessions in her window box. She’s like photogenic putty afterwards.

Relaxed Tabby Cat after a combing session

Some days the best you can do is go through the motions while staying healthy and safe. Most days you say a little prayer of thanks, gratitude that you have shelter, food, health and social connections. Thank you, Internet and the good ole telephone line.

My youngest Millennial came to stay with me for the winter. I am relieved that I get to see one of my adult children on a regular basis but am reliving memories of habits from his earlier years. It could be worse.

Since I was encountering disappointment and frustration with the working life, I was relieved when I started a much-needed vacation week. I survived another anniversary of my life altering experience at the hands of my now ex-spouse. I see it as traumatic and liberating in that our children were finally free of his controlling, stifling grip.

Practising art therapy and allowing in happy thoughts, I decided to let loose my inner child that week, to express and create art. I also read one of my favourite novels again.

I pulled out a Koi compact watercolour kit that my daughter gifted me five years ago. I remember attempting to do flower paintings once a month but that inspiration wilted after three.

I felt pleased with my rough watercolour copy of Starry Night by one of my favourite, misunderstood artists.

Watercolour rendition of Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night
Watercolour recreation of Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night

Being a fan of the Golden Ratio, I made a few magic marker and water colour versions of the Fibonacci Spiral.

I did a watercolour version of The Tree of Life, one of my favourite objects in mythology and spirituality.

Watercolour Tree of Life 2020

My stage of life could be represented by the squawking, flapping ninny in the upper left – or the tired-out old bird dropping what may be seeds of wisdom. Who knows where they will fall and eventually sprout?

That Monet “bridge over lily pond” attempt is taking longer than anticipated. I hope I can finish it before the end of vacation weekend. I want to finish writing Christmas cards and put up our wee artificial tree.

It’s good to have plans for the short term and long term. I look forward to finishing that part-time college program by the end of 2022. Not sure what I can to with that diploma but at least the courses are keeping my mind busy and allowing for social connections with classmates if only online these days.

As usual, I refrained from Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping sprees, cringing still at the abuse of our natural resources and persistent use of plastic in toys and other consumer goods. There is nothing outstanding that I need. My children are old enough to appreciate money as gifts so they can buy the things they need, they want – or to pay off bills.

I may lead a quiet and boring life but I’m just happy to be alive and to know that those in my sacred circle of loved ones are too.

Thank you for dropping by. What have you been doing to keep safe and mentally sound during this pandemic?