Around here, it’s all about the cat.
I welcome and enter the Lunar New Year celebrations in a quiet manner but with appropriate treats. Happy Year of the Rabbit / Year of the Cat. T


The Tabby Cat seemed pleased to hear that some Asian cultures celebrate this Lunar New Year as The Year of the Cat rather than The Year of the Rabbit.

Around here it’s always about the Cat.

Geneva Tabby loves Cheetos

We have been following the news of the efforts by one Asian culture in Canada to bring awareness of their animal of choice. It seems like a challenge to get the message out above the noise from a culture with more marketing clout.

Year of the Cat: Vietnamese Canadians want their zodiac recognized this Lunar New Year

This older white Rabbit lady is willing to partake in the food and colours of celebrations either way, just to get through the dark, cold days of January and February.

These different cultural interpretations seem insignificant considering the war, hunger and strife that surrounds us, needing our support and attention.


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