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I have skipped seasons in my corner of the world, from one extreme to another. 

We are half-way through summer and stuck under what is called a “heat dome“, a stagnant mass of hot, humid air lingering over much of southern and eastern Ontario, and Quebec.

As a positive note, this heat must be good for growing the crops, for farmers to produce the food we need. Right?

The Central Experimental Farm

At times, I whimper and wilt quietly in this heat. At others, I want to lash out at people for their stupid acts and hurtful words. 

Spring seemed to sprint by with nothing much memorable except for a short staycation and sisterly visit. I finished one college course, changed my program of focus and started another.

On the Summer Solstice weekend I had a whirlwind tour in planes, trains and automobiles to the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) to stay at one offspring’s trendy downtown rental unit then travel by subway and intercity bus to visit the oldest boy and his growing family. I felt blessed to visit their joyfully busy home bursting with toys and baby gear.

grandma bracelet

When the weather (and temperatures) permit, I try to get out for early morning walks along my regular routes for meditation and prayer. I express my gratitude for getting up, dressed and making it outdoors. It is refreshing and inspiring to be surrounded by birdsong, and occasionally spot local wildlife.

Urban rabbit

Urban wildlife

A couple of weeks ago, I had to say farewell to one old cat whose health was waning, especially after a heat wave in early July.

farewell snuggles the old cat

It was a bittersweet occasion to relieve the old boy from the pain and discomfort. I have to admit that I am sleeping better due to less midnight caterwauls and early morning breakfast service calls.

The other one doesn’t seem to miss him, enjoys the extra attention and is holding out well with her twice-daily Insulin shots.

tabby cat sitting surrounded by plants and air conditioner

Miss Geneva enjoying the comforting hum of the air conditioner

After she goes, I will have expendable income, more money and freedom to travel. I can finally shake the Cat Lady label and maybe start dating again!

Succumbing to keeping up with technology, I got a new cell phone that takes awesome photos and wants to assist me with many other tasks – which gets creepy at times! As a worker in IM/IT, I  see the advantages and risks that Artificial Intelligence can present. I do not see a need in my home for ID-IoT technology.

I am waiting for my course marks after completing a final exam a couple of weeks ago. This eager beaver already registered for another course starting in September.

Even if I don’t transition into Career 2.0 in a couple of years, I like how this keeps my mind active, gets me out to meet new people and make new friends.

Yes, I am still working for a living and complaining about the commute with unreliable public transit. The positive side is that I get most of my reading done while riding the buses.

We can’t escape the vitriol and poisonous political rants to the south of us, and now we have to filter out the attack ads related to a Federal election in Canada this fall. It used to be funny with the late night talk show comedians pointing out the foibles of the US Administration and their witless leader but after a while, it becomes depressing and surreal because America can’t seem to shake off elements of divisiveness and blatant bigotry.

To end this entry on an encouraging note, the weather people have just announced that the heatwave warning has ended and the dome is dissipating, just in time to start the work week all over again!

Stay cool, Canada as we endure the extreme weather changes and political climate – and if anything, remind ourselves to do as Ellen says, “Be kind to one another.”

Thanks for dropping by.